The Leaders Letter | October 2022

Dear Leader,

Happy Independence Day Celebration!

I trust this edition of The Leaders Letter meets you in pursuit of wisdom.

I’ll like to share one simple recommendation as we celebrate the 62nd year of Nigeria’s independence from British colonialism.

By the reason of the kind work I do, In the last 4-5 years I have had the opportunity to engage people from a diverse walk of life – business leaders across different sectors in Nigeria. Some of them are young entrepreneurs, employees in different companies and most of them are old and very experienced in their industry.

In my conversations with them, I make it a duty to dig deeper into what they do and what they are not doing. What ideas they are currently executing and what is working. Why somethings are happening in their industry and why some things are not happening.

Amongst other things, there is one common thread in most responses I’ve found over the years: the government…

From Financial Services sector to Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, FMCG, Health, Media. Every Industry leader I’ve spoken with over the years about their work or their business, always end up mentioning “the government” at some point in the conversation.

This is very serious. No conversation, either formal or informal ends without “the government”.

Conversations about what is working and what is not working? Why it is working and why it is not working? 

“The government” always play a major role!

So I concluded –  YOU cannot do without the government.

As I write this, I don’t yet fully understand who or what “the government” is but my message and assignment to you as we celebrate Nigeria’s Independence is that “in whatever you do, strive to be a part of THE GOVERNMENT“.

Anything good or bad has “the government” robed into it.

Dear Leader, be part of “the government”, of course FOR GOOD.

There is nothing without the Government. We need YOU!

So, I’m reminding you to proceed to INEC registration centre to collect your PVC towards the forthcoming election. If you registered between 2021 and First quarter of 2022, It is ready for collection. Proceed to the same place you registered to collect yours and keep it safe.

It is the first step to being a part of the government!

Always remember to be a part of “the government” wherever you find yourself.

Till we share some time together again,
Keep Leading!

Your Friend
Great Owete

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