You probably have been reading my weekly articles and I trust they’ve been helpful.
But if this is the first you are reading from me in 2021, then Happy New Year!
Yeah, It’s new month too!
To many, January ended too soon, but to others, January was 5 months in 1. Whichever spectrum you stand, This is February!
In the last 4 weeks of 2021, I took time to constantly re-evaluate my goals and priorities for the year and I want to share some of them with you.
1. I got a new job managing the Talent Acquisition for a Government Partnership Program in Edo State called EdoBEST. What I’ll be doing on this role is to help identify, attract and recruit talent to ensure we are driving our mission to reform public sector schools across the state. Wish me well!
Some other things:
My website with a new look, is dedicated to serving you with rich and practical content to make you employable and become the talent employers want to hire.
You can easily listen to new episodes of my podcast every Friday either on Anchor or right here on my website. Find useful articles, published every week – focused on helping you become employable and grow career success.
3. NOW to this!

I have just written a new eBook titled Your First Job: 5 Important Tools You Need at the Start of Your Career – for young people who will be graduating from the university very soon – on how to prepare for the marketplace. If you will be graduating from the university this year or next year, then this is for you
In this book, I shared some important tools from both personal experience and data from my work over the years handling recruitment and talent acquisition project for diverse organization and industries.
It’s FREE and you can download your free copy here
Are you excited?
This year, I’ll be back to my weekly round up mails sharing some important career tips as I experience them along my journey and also share what is on my reading list every month, with my lessons from them. So if you are not subscribed yet then click here
My goal is for us to grow together on this Success Journey and I hope you’ll join me.
Lastly, from time to time, I’ll share job opportunities from my network but I’ll share them on a telegram channel I just created first. So join the channel so you don’t miss out.
I am very optimistic that 2021 is going to be a year filled with learning, opportunities and growth.
So let’s make greatness happen this year. Go grab your FREE copy of Your First Job: 5 Important Tools You Need at the Start of Your Career and share your major takeaway with me,
Happy February!
Tell me, how do you want me to help you this?
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